Assoc. Prof. Selcuk Yerci
Micro and Nanotechnology Programme
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
The Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications
Room : EEE-C110
Phone : +90 (312) 210-2344
Fax : +90 (312) 210-2304
Email : syerci[at]metu.edu.tr
Administrative Assistant

Büşra İleri
M.S. Student in Physics Eng. @Ankara University
B.S. in Physics Eng. @Ankara University
E-mail: ilerib[at]metu.edu.tr
Research Associate
Dr. Mustafa Yaşa
Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Technology @ METU
M.S. in Polymer Science and Technology @ METU
B.S. in Chemistry Ed. @ METU
E-mail: mustafa.yasa[at]odtugunam.org
Post-doctoral Researcher
Amir Zarean
Ph.D. Candidate in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @Sharif University of Technology
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @Urmia University
E-mail: a.zarean.amir[at]gmail.com
Naser Beyraghi
Ph.D. Candidate in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @ Urmia Univ.
B.S. in Electrical Eng. @ Urmia-Azad Univ.
E-mail: n.beyraghi[at]gmail.com
Graduate Students
Cem Şahiner
Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical and Electronics Eng.@METU
M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @ METU
B.S. Electrical and Electronics Eng. @ METU
E-mail: cem.sahiner[at]metu.edu.tr
Muhammet Mustafa Çodur
Ph.D. Candidate in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
M.S. in Micro and Nanotechnology @ METU
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @ Atatürk Uni.
E-mail: codur.mustafa[at]metu.edu.tr
Bahri Eren Uzuner
Ph.D. Candidate in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @Abdullah Gül University
E-mail: bahrierenuzuner[at]gmail.com
Zeynep Gözükara Karabağ
Ph.D. Candidate in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
M.S. in Chemistry @METU
B.S. in Chemical Eng. @Hacettepe University
E-mail: zeynepgozukara@hotmail.com
Elshan Asadi
Ph.D. Student in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
M.S. in Micro and Nano Electronic Devices (Electronics) @Tabriz university
B.S. in Computer Hardware Eng. @Tabriz University
E-mail: elshan.asadi@metu.edu.tr
Ahmed Javed
Ph.D. Student in Micro and Nanotechnology
M.S. in Electrical Eng. @Information Technology University
B.S. in Electrical Eng. @Govt. College University
E-mail: ahmed.javed[at]metu.edu.tr
Doğuşcan Dönmez
M.S. Student in Chemistry @METU
B.S. in Chemistry @METU
E-mail: doguscan[at]metu.edu.tr
Öykü Sezen Kınacı
M.S. Student in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering @METU
E-mail: kinacioyku[at]gmail.com
Undergraduate Researchers
Kerem Demir
EEE student, 2nd year.
Kamil Anıl Işık
EEE student, 3rd year.
Selin Çimen
EEE student, 3rd year.
Ungraduate Trainies
-Şevval Özdemir
Past Members
Konstantin Tsoi
M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @METU
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @METU
E-mail: c.tsoy1996[at]gmail.com
Dr. Damla Koçak
Ph.D. Candidate in Micro and Nanotechnology@METU
M.S. in Physics Engineering @ Hacettepe University
B.S. in Physics Engineering @ Hacettepe University
E-mail: sellkocak[at]hotmail.com
Dr. Milad Ghasemi
Ph.D. Candidate in Micro and Nanotechnology@METU
M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @ Gazi Univ.
B.S. in Electrical Eng. @ Urmia Univ.
E-mail: milad.ghk87[at]gmail.com
Dr. Mehmet Koç
Ph.D. in Micro and Nanotechnology@ METU
M.S. in Micro and Nanotechnology @ METU
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @ Bilkent University
E-mail: mehmetkoc.ee[at]gmail.com
Dr. Esra Bağ
Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Technology@METU
M.S. in Chemistry@METU
B.S. in Chemistry@METU
E-mail: esra.bag[at]gmail.com
Ümmügülsüm Güneş
M.S. in Chemistry
B.S. in Chemistry @METU
E-mail: gulsumgunes2629[at]gmail.com
Buse Ünlü
M.S. in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @TED University
E-mail: buse96unlu[at]hotmail.com
Bensu Çel Yıldırım
M.S. in Micro and Nanotechnology
B.S. in Chemistry @METU
E-mail: bensu.cel[at]gmail.com
Deniz Turkay
Ph.D. Student in Micro and Nanotechnology
M.S. in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
B.S. Electrical and Electronics Eng. @ METU
E-mail: denturkay[at]gmail.com
Ozan Atan
B.S in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @METU
Dr.İlker Yıldız
Ph.D. in Physics
M.S. in Physics @ METU
B.S. in Physics @ Ankara University
E-mail: iyildiz[at]metu.edu.tr
Dr. Wiria Soltanpoor
Ph.D. in Micro and Nanotechnology @METU
M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics @ Mohaghegh
B.Sc. in Nuclear Physics @ Urmia University
E-mail: wiria.soltanpoor[at]metu.edu.tr
Dr. Hava Akpınar
Ph.D. in Polymer Science & Technology @METU
M.S. in Chemistry @METU
B.S. in Chemistry @METU
E-mail: hzakpinar[at]yahoo.com
Merve Derya Oflaz
M.S. Student in Chemistry @METU
B.S. in Chemistry @METU
E-mail: merve.oflaz[at]metu.edu.tr
Can Ozcan
Can received his M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. in 2018. He lead one article on optical and electrical design guidelines for nanostructured CdTe solar cells. He also contributed another article on the experimental demonstration of nanostructured CdTe solar cells. Can is now a Ph.D. student in Univ. of Toronto.
Muhammad Afnan Ansari
Afnan joined APP as a TUBITAK fellow to work on metasurfaces in 2018 for one year. He has been pursuing his Ph.D. in Information Technology University, Lahore..
Elif Cüce
B.S in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @METU
Ecem Layra Görk
EEE student, 4th year.
Kerem Artuk
B.S in Electrical and Electronics Eng. @METU
Arman Ayan
Arman received his M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Eng. in 2018. He hypothesized and modeled strain induction on germanium nanobeams by electrostatic actuation. He is now a Ph.D. student in EPFL.
Dr. Gence Bektaş
Gence received his M.S. in Micro and Nanotechnology in 2018. He worked on the fabrication of metal oxides using rf magnetron sputtering method. NiOx that he developed is now being used in perovskite solar cells in our team. He is now a Ph.D. student in Prof. Turan’s research group @ METU.
Dr. Şerife Özdemir Hacıoğlu
Serife helped APP as a post-doctoral researcher on fabrication of thin films by Sol-Gel. She is now an Asst. Prof. at Iskenderun Techical University
Wisnu Hadibrata
Wisnu received his M.S. in Micro and Nanotechnology in 2017. Wisnu developed thin, flexible and high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells as well as simulation and fabrication of light trapping structures. Two of his studies were published in SolMat. Wisnu is now a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University.
Çağıl Köroğlu
B.S. Physics
Cagil developed a unique simulation platform to predict the potential of Er-based thin film up-converters whose up-conversion quantum yield are boosted up using a dome structure. Cagil within a very short time has contributed two other studies related to optical and electrical simulations of perovskite and silicon solar cells. Cagil is now a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University.
Zişan İrem Özyurt
M.S. Student in Micro and Nanotechnology
Irem worked on the fabrication of single-crystalline germanium on silicon by liquid phase epitaxy method during her M.S. studies.
Emrah Korkmaz
M.S. Student in Micro and Nanotechnology
Emrah made optical designed of a direct detection short-pulsed laser proximity sensor during his M.S. research. He works at Roketsan company.
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