Visiting Scientist
We are looking for highly motivated visiting scientists from various backgrounds who would like to either strengthen our research or enrich our fields of research. There are several visiting scientist funding opportunities where you can contact to Asst. Prof. Selçuk Yerci to write an award application proposal together. EU supported COFUND and TUBITAK (the scientific and technological research council of Turkey) supported 2221 programs are suitable for research scientists who would like to join APP group.
Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme
Application deadline: September 19th
Duration: 20 – 24 months
Amount of award: Up to 4792 €, 7200 € research cost per year
Eligibility: (1) Citizen of any nationality, (2) At least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience
Link to the award webpage:
TUBİTAK 2221 | Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave
Application deadline: Anytime
Duration: Short term (1 month), long term (up to 12 months) and SABBATICAL leave (3 to 12 month).
Amount of award: up to $3500 per month, travel cost, health insurance premium
Eligibility: (1) Non-Turkish citizen, (2) PhD degree, (3) Invitation from research institution in Turkey
Link to the award webpage:
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